What Is Mensa?
Malaysian Mensa is the society for individuals with an IQ in the top 2% of the population. To be a member of Mensa, a candidate requires an IQ at the 98th percentile of the world population.
Established in 1984, the Malaysian Mensa continues to be a meeting place for like-minded individuals to share common interests. It is a forum for dialogue to learn new things and test one’s own ideas. It is a platform to see the world from the perspective of others.
However, there are no prevailing characteristic of Mensa members apart from this. There are Mensans for whom Mensa provides a sense of family, and others for whom it is a casual social activity.
For many people, it is simply a stimulating opportunity for the mind. Most Mensans have a good sense of humour and they usually have interesting opinions to share. And usually, they have a lot to say.
Malaysian Mensa has benefited from a membership that spans many age-groups, interests and professions. Entrepreneurs, students, educators and professionals from various industries provide a never-ending source of knowledge and experience.

“Mensa” means “table” in Latin, representing a round-table society – where race, colour, creed, national origin, age, politics, educational or social background are irrelevant.
Mensa has three stated purposes: to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to encourage research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members.
The Society is not a profit-making body. The Society has no aim which is to the disadvantage of the general community. Members or groups of members may express opinions, but the Society as a whole has no opinion. No opinion shall be expressed as being that of the Society.

The Story of Mensa
Mensa, the high IQ society, was founded in England in 1946 by Roland Berrill, a barrister, and Dr. Lance Ware, a scientist and lawyer. They had the idea of forming a society for bright people, where the only qualification for membership was an IQ in the top 2% of the population. Other than that, the society welcomes people from every walk of life.
Today with more than 130,000 Mensans in more than 100 countries around the world, Mensa continues to be opportunity to connect with a vast network of intelligent individuals from immensely diverse backgrounds in different industries and skills. It is an excellent place to network and gather connections of value both professionally and in other areas of life.