With Auto Renewal, now you can be sure your membership is always active. Done in 3 easy steps.
Auto-Renewal is an easy and secure way to keep your membership active by enabling an auto deduction to take place on your credit card. You won’t ever have to worry about missing out on the incredible connections, events and benefits of being a member. Best of all, auto-renewed membership is at a discounted price so you save even more.
All it takes is 2 easy steps.
Step 2
Come back to this page to purchase your auto renewal membership.
Create an account and log in on mensa.my.
Step 3
Purchase your auto-renewed membership by clicking the button below.
Create an account and log in on mensa.my.
Auto Renewal Information
The account you create on mensa.my will be used ONLY to store information on your auto-renewal information. It is not connected to any other database. It is not connected to the account on members.mensa.my or Workplace.
Upon successful renewal, you will receive an email containing the amount you were charged as well as links that you can access to manage your subscription.
From here on, the website will automatically renew your membership from the date you subscribed and send you an email notification informing you everytime a renewal is made.
The office will also receive a renewal notice, and will proceed to que it for the next processing cycle.
To cancel your subscription, you may do so from the mensa.my account you have created.
Alternatively, you can also email [email protected] to request a cancelation of the auto-renewal and it can be done for you.