The Malaysian Mensa Society is proud to bring to you the 3+1 Membership Promotion.

Renew your membership for 3 years, and get one year free. This promotion ends 30th June 2020.

Promotion has ended.

Dear Members,

In the midst all that is happening around us, here is some good news to help us through this together.

More than ever, members yearn and seek the world class connections, experiences, networks and activities that our society has been known and cherished for and we’re can’t be in a better time than now to experience that.

As one of the largest Mensas in the region, renewing your membership gives you access to our society’s online membership platform where livestreams, chats, conversations, discussions about current affairs, learnings, opportunities and so much more is now made available through the online membership platform. And yes, it comes with an app. So chat with the brightest minds in the country, no matter how physically distant you are.

And if you think that’s incredible, you’re going to love attending our incredible; world class events when they are made available again later this year.

This offer is open to all who are eligible to join Mensa, current, and former members. We believe that no matter where you are, you can stay connected with us.

Our members are the core of the Society. Deeply personal and deeply meaningful; the social interaction in the Malaysian Mensa remains a truly unique and enriching experience to all of us in as many different ways.

And so we invite you, to renew and we look forward to you, the incredible society we will be together.

National Committee
Malaysian Mensa Society

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the promotion:

  1. Can I renew my membership with this package if my membership is still valid?
    Yes. The new date will add on to the current date.

  2. If my membership has lapsed for many years, can I still renew?
    Yes, The new membership validity will start from the date the payment is processed. There is no penalty for arrears 

  3. Will I get a new membership Card?
    Yes. But it will only be sent after the Movement Control Order ends.

  4. Can I purchase this many times to compound my membership date?

  5. Can I renew after 30 June 2020?
    Yes, but remember the promotion ends by 30 June and that after the AGM, the membership fee will be increased as per constitution.  
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