Congratulations for passing your Mensa Admission Test!

This is the page where membership applicants get to apply and pay for their membership online.
This page is for candidates who have taken the test after 1 Jan 2016.

Please ensure that you have provided your membership information through the results letter you received through email.
Please proceed to pay online by filling up the payment form below and proceed with the steps that follow.

** NOTE **

  • This page is for candidates who have taken the test after 1 Jan 2016. For candidates who took the test before this date, please click here.
  • Please make sure you have filled up the form below correctly without any mistake.
  • Please make sure the address you have input in the database is correct. All parcels and membership material is sent to that address and NOT the billing address on your order on this website.
  • Failure in doing so may result in the loss of payment tracking.
  • The Society will not bear any losses due to human error by the candidate.
  • You do not need to create an account to apply to be a member, as you will only get your account registration code after your membership has been processed.

1-Year Membership (RM95.00)

1-Year Membership + Membership Cert (RM130.00)

2-Year Membership (RM185.00)

2-Year Membership + Membership Cert (RM220.00)

3-Year Membership (RM275.00)

3-Year Membership + Membership Cert (RM310.00)

4-Year Membership (RM365.00)

4-Year Membership + Membership Cert (RM400.00)

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